is Title 5?
Title 5 of the Massachusetts State Environmental Code sets
standard guidelines and requirements for the inspection,
design, site planning, construction, upgrade and expansion
of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems in
the towns of Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Vineyard Haven, West
Tisbury, Chilmark and Aquinnah. The onus usually falls upon
the seller for compliance.
The most recent version of Title 5 (310 CMR 15.000) took
effect on March 31, 1995, except for the rules dealing with
approval of innovative/alternative technologies (November
10, 1994) and the requirement for the use of an approved
Soil Evaluator (January 1, 1996). Title 5 has also been
modified to increase the allowable percolation rate for
on-site wastewater disposal systems from 30 to 60 minutes
per inch, effective January 1, 2004.
On-site wastewater disposal systems include conventional
septic systems, cesspools, and innovative/alternative systems.
They are individual systems that treat small wastewater
flows, usually under 10,000 gallons per day. Over 30% of
homes in Massachusetts use on-site wastewater systems, as
well as small businesses and institutions in areas without
sewers. On Martha's Vineyard, Edgartown, Oak Bluffs and
Tisbury (Vineyard Haven) are working diligently to connect
more and more households to town sewer lines. Contamination
of our aquifer caused by ever increasing housing density
on Martha's Vineyard should be one of our greatest concerns.
On-site systems that are not properly sited or maintained
contribute pathogens and nutrients to groundwater and surface
water, endangering drinking water supplies, shellfish beds,
and surface water bodies.
Title 5 protects you, your family, and your neighbors from
these public health threats. DEP, local Boards of Health,
and system owners all share the responsibility for the proper
site planning, construction, upgrade, and maintenance of
on-site systems.
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
web site has an excellent section on how to care for your septic system, get it inspected and much more..
Although not published yet, at the beginning
of September 2010 legislation was passed mandating any lender
financed property with a failed Septic System to have the
repair installation completed prior to any closing of a
purchase transaction. Cash deals are not subject to this
requirement, but are still subject to local Town Board of
Health regulations.
Another exception to the new mandate
is during frigid months of the year if it is impossible
to repair a septic system prior to closing date, an escrow
fund is established which is usually 1.5 times the estimated
cost of the repair. On average this can amount to about
$15,000. It is my experience, because our Martha's Vineyard
soil is sandy, that excavators can dig and install/repair
septic systems at any time of the year.
Prior to this legislation transactions
could close as long as money was held in escrow (usually
1.5 times the estimated cost) and the system would be installed
post closing.
Lenders are now prohibited from closing
a transaction with a failed system. This will lead to a
lot of delayed closings on Martha's Vineyard because Title
5 inspections are usually not completed until just a week
or two before closing.
Buyers need to be mindful of this possible
complication and make sure the Title 5 Inspection is done
as early as possible in the transaction process.
Matthew E. Poole, Agent
Janet Anthony-Hathaway, Assistant
P.O. Box 1596
Edgartown, MA 02539
(508) 627-6120
Fax: (508) 627-6124
email: mpoole@edgartown-ma.us
email: jhathaway@edgartown-ma.us
West Tisbury
Omar Johnson, Agent
1059 State Road, 1st Floor
Town Hall
P.O. Box 278
West Tisbury, MA 02575
(508) 696-0105
Fax: (508) 696-0103
email: boh@westtisbury-ma.gov |
Oak Bluffs
Meegan Lancaster, Agent - x127
Lorna Welch, Assistant - x127
Phoenix Becker, Health Inspector - x127
P. O. Box 1327
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557
(508) 693-3554
Fax: (508) 693-6280
email: mlancaster@oakbluffsma.gov
email: lwelch@oakbluffsma.gov
Marina Lent, Agent
Town Hall
401 Middle Road
P.O. Box 119
Chilmark, MA 02535
(508) 645-2105
Fax: (508) 645-2121
email: boh@chilmarkma.gov
Maura Valley, Agent
Catherine M. Fuller, Assistant
Valerie Soushek, Administrative Secretary
99 Highpoint Lane, Left Trailer
PO Box 666
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
(508) 696-4290 x1125
Fax: (508) 696-7341
email: mvalley@tisburyma.gov
email: cfuller@tisburyma.gov
Trish Peters, Assistant to BOH
65 State Rd.
Aquinnah, MA 02535
(508) 645-2309
Fax: (508) 645-2310
visit our Service Providers page here |